Take steps to advance equality

美世 helps organizations with diversity, equity and 包容 (DEI) consulting to advance equitable career, health and financial wellness outcomes in the workforce.

Accelerate diversity, equity and 包容

多样性、股票 and 包容 (DEI) has become intrinsic to and synonymous with organizational health in today's world. Evidence shows companies that take steps to advance equality not only make a difference to their people and to the communities they serve — but also to their business.

Historically, DEI has occupied a less prominent seat at the corporate table. Today, internal and external pressure is driving companies to commit and show consistent progress. People sustainability and DEI are a key part of the “S” in environmental, social and governance (ESG) initiatives — and are now table stakes for every business. Organizations that are accelerating progress treat DEI in the workplace like any other core business imperative: having a strategy, 参与利益相关者, tracking and sharing progress, and holding leadership accountable for results.

It’s more critical than ever that companies understand that a DEI strategy is more than a differentiator — it’s foundational to growth and success.

Ensure long-term, sustainable progress with your DEI strategy

We help our clients accelerate their DEI journeys through a multifaceted, evidence-based approach that incorporates opportunity, 经验, 支付, and health and financial well-being interventions and outcomes.

  • 一些分析
  • Examine data or content using sophisticated techniques and tools to discover deeper insights, make predictions and inform evidence-based recommendations. 
  • 战略联盟
  • Align senior stakeholders and business functions to DEI mission, vision and values aligned to their people, ESG and business strategies.

  • 职业权益
    Provide career equity through more accessible talent opportunities and outcomes, utilizing effective and bias-free programs and policies.
  • 薪酬公平
    Identify 支付 gap risks and remediate disparities. Minimize the extent to which processes and policies may drive gaps and shift towards more 支付 transparency.
  • 经验股本
    Promote equity across the employee journey – including closing health and financial well-being gaps –that wilenable unique populations to thrive.
  • Change and culture elevation
    Ensure that everyone has a similarly positive workplace 经验 by shaping the culture and partnering with others  to upskill leaders and managers.

  • Accountability and sustainability
  • Commit to progress by embedding goals and metrics in the business. Communicate transparently and regularly with all stakeholders. Build a vivid, inclusive cultural journey through relevant change and communication activities.



      Speak with a specialist

      Are you ready to transform your workplace? 让我们联系.